Career update

I never intended for this blog to be a series of updates on my career path, but, well, people have asked, so here I am.

In November 2015, I officially started my current role as Associate Librarian at the Michener Institute of Education at UHN. The Michener Institute is a post secondary institution specializing in the applied health sciences; students train to become Medical Laboratory Technologists, Respiratory Therapists, Nuclear Medicine Technologists, and more.

It’s a small team in the Learning Resource Centre, which means I have a lot of variety in my work, and it also means we have the ability to make changes to policies and procedures quickly, to figure out what works best for students and faculty. Having Juanita Richardson as my supervisor is a blast, and we’ve hired a talented U of T iSchool grad for the summer: Aurelia Engstrom brings her expertise in User Experience design to create recommendations for our website and for our social media presence. (If you’re looking to hire someone for a UX role, Aurelia is the person for you – but not until she’s finished here, please!)

This year I’m also a co-planner for the OLITA division of the OLA Super Conference. The submissions are in, and it looks like we will have some fantastic sessions at #olasc17! You should go ahead and put February 1-4, 2017 into your calendar, if you haven’t done so already.